Forum: Newcomer Corner

Subject: Animation with Poser

crystalmethodcaf opened this issue on Dec 31, 2020 ยท 2 posts

crystalmethodcaf posted Thu, 31 December 2020 at 9:56 AM

Hello! I'm not really a newcomer at all, I'd say I'm advanced actually. But this seemed an appropriate forum to post this. I've started doing animation using my old Poser 10 software, and I've gotten pretty good at it, but when it comes to actually rendering scenes (sequences, not a single image), I hate that it takes HOURS. I've looked into cloud services like Zync from Google, and also read about Server Farms I can use, and it sounds like that's pretty much the only way to really efficiently and quickly render sequences. But none of them seem to support Poser of any versions! I looked into exporting the animations to compatible formats, but it sounds like it's much more involved than a simple export.

All that to say, I'm used to Poser, but is there any good way to build my animations and render them on Poser, or am I stuck either switching software or dealing with long animation sequences? I'm using my gaming laptop for it FWIW, and it took I think 2 and a half hours to render a 100 frame sequence. Granted, there was a lot going on in the scene, but still.....

Thanks in advance!

crystalmethodcaf posted Fri, 01 January 2021 at 9:24 AM

Mods you can delete this, I moved it to the Poser help forum instead. Didn't realize this forum was for navigating the site, sorry.