Forum: DAZ|Studio

Subject: A question about "face transfer"

Letterworks opened this issue on Nov 10, 2020 ยท 6 posts

Letterworks posted Tue, 10 November 2020 at 8:02 AM

I'm not a regular Daz Studio user, just because I have never really spent the time to get really familiar with the interface. But I saw a Youtube video about the Face Transfer utility, so I decided to check it out at DAZ. I see that there are 2 utilities for sale which is fine, but reading them they claim that there is a trial version that comes built in. I downloaded the latest version of Daz Studio and spent some time looking for the utility to test it, even rewatching the video several times to try and insure I was looking in the right location(s).

So now my question... is this utility truely included as a test drive in Daz Studio? If so where is it located? If something needs to be downloaded to run the trial, where is it? I really don;t want to spend up to $50.00 unless the utility will do at least most of what I want.

Thanks for any help Mike