Forum: Blender

Subject: Judy Hopps...with fur, even!

Redfern opened this issue on Apr 07, 2016 ยท 6 posts

Redfern posted Thu, 07 April 2016 at 8:11 PM

A couple of days ago I stumbled across an astonishingly accurate version of Zootopia's Judy Hopps, a model intended for Blender. The artist Scott Sewel (aka "splatypi") even gave the mesh "fur"!

http://www DOT blendswap DOT com/blends/view/83856

(link purposely broken to adhere to Rendo's current TOS)

In the right hands, she can be made to move around this this.

http://gfycat DOT com/AllBackHartebeest

(link purposely broken to adhere to Rendo's current TOS)

I was so impressed that it motivated me to finally download the modeling/animation suite, Blender just so I can "play" with this model. I certainly don't expect to pull off an animation like the one above right off the bat, I'd just be happy to just pose and render a still or two. But...ARGH!...I can't make head or tails of Blender's interface! I guess I've been spoiled by the almost childlike simplicity of Poser's clearly and boldly labeled joint rotation and morph dials. Obviously, I've overlooking something simple yet bloody important.

No, I don't crave to gave this model converted to Poser because I know it will not look nearly as good. It would look like a toy in comparison to the native Blender environment. Is there possibly a "script" that will generate a "for dummies" simplistic control panel for posing the figure? I'm afraid I need one!



Tempt the Hand of Fate and it'll give you the "finger"!