Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Why are you still using V4?

EClark1894 opened this issue on Jun 29, 2015 ยท 761 posts

EClark1894 posted Mon, 29 June 2015 at 4:48 AM

I don't want to start any wars or anything. If you can't contribute to this thread without being respectful, informative, or otherwise just nice, just go away. I don't care what app you're using, unless somehow it contributes significantly to your choice to continue using V4. Any attempt to intentionally derail this thread will be immediately reported to a moderator.

I'm only interested in knowing WHY you're still using V4 when there are other viable figures available for use in Poser. I still use her myself, occasionally, but primarily because I'm continuing a project from before the Poser apocolypse, otherwise my go to figure is Roxie, and sometimes Dawn. But I'm curious to know why you still use Victoria r. Is it simply the number of clothes available for her? If so, why not just convert? Is it the morphs available for her? The poses? Is it just too expensive to move on?

I have a curious mind and I'd like to know.