Forum: 3D Modeling

Subject: Freebie Preview - Realistic Folding Chair

LuxXeon opened this issue on Mar 26, 2015 · 7 posts

LuxXeon posted Thu, 26 March 2015 at 11:20 AM

Hi, everyone.  I'd like to share some previews of a free model I plan to release later today: A highly detailed metal folding chair, to be made available in both the open and closed (folded) version; complete with high resolution (4096x4096px) PBR textures.  I'm providing a "worn" look as you can see from the previews, because a clean look should be very easy to accomplish procedurally if you need it.  Here's several shots of the model(s), created using the same maps which will accompany the objects, rendered with a physically-based, real-time render engine.




And here are the wireframe shots, showing the topology.  The polycount will be relatively low, and the product should be manageable in most real-time or game engines, as well as high quality, pre-calculated renderers.





Let me know if you have any questions, concerns, or requests.  I'm creating the pre-calc promo renders for the freebie with the Corona renderer, then it should be ready for distribution.  Keep an eye out for this one.  There aren't many metal folding chairs out there anywhere, and the ones that I found usually do not have both the folded and open version of the same chair.  So I'm hoping this will become a useful item for people who have been looking for a standard, realistic folding chair for their scenes.


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