Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Create single mat pose for multiple hair props

MNArtist opened this issue on Aug 11, 2014 · 6 posts

MNArtist posted Mon, 11 August 2014 at 11:33 AM

Apologies if this has been covered, but I haven't found it searching through forums (though a very old, similar thread at RDNA).

I want to create a single mat pose for multiple dynamic hair props associated with one character. This is an animal, so there are about 25 separate body parts. I can create the mat not problem, and have that saved, and can apply it individually, but I want to create a "group" for lack of better term, for all the hair props and be able to change them all at one time to the same material (I have 2 color variations of the "hair.").

Does anyone know of a solution for this? 

You can see a render of the figure/hair props I'm working on here:

if it helps clarify the situation at all.

Am using PoserPro2014, Windows7
