Forum: Vue

Subject: Looking for guidance on rendering Spherical Panoramas in Vue 10

monkeycloud opened this issue on May 23, 2012 ยท 13 posts

monkeycloud posted Wed, 23 May 2012 at 9:29 AM


As the title states, I am looking for some definitive guidance on producing high dynamic range spherical panoramas in Vue 10 Esprit.

EDIT: Or rather as the title fails to state (the important hdr aspect) ... sorry.

So far I am rendering with the "Panoramic View" and "Spherical Render" option ticked.

I am rendering using the "Render off-screen" and "Save render to disk" options ticked and .hdr selected as the file save format.

However, apparently this is not producing images in the full dynamic range; i.e. (0,0,0) <= rgb <= (20,20,20).

Assuming it is possible to achieve this in a single render (at a single exposure), is there something like an Atmosphere setting that I am missing?

Many thanks for any help or advice anyone can give here...