Forum: Vue

Subject: A Thousand Words

Fidelity2 opened this issue on Apr 26, 2011 · 18 posts

Fidelity2 posted Tue, 26 April 2011 at 12:12 PM

Dear Friends:

My artwork is awful.

I have a degree in art from Pratt Institute earned in 2002. I have bought numerous tutorials on how to use Vue. I have seen many "Geek At Play" tutorials. I have read many inter-net articles on Vue. I have purchased numerous tutorials on Matte Painting from the Gnomon Workshop. I have read many Renderosity inter-net articles and books on composition.

In a nutshell, I know Vue is a fantastic art tool. I have familiarized my-self with Vue's fucntions. I.e. setting atmosphere colors etc. But I lack knowledge on making Vue masterpieces (Pictures). What is it that is causing me to err? And how do I improve quickly? Please view my artwork if you must.

Here is a funny story on the subject of programs features and aesthetics. You might laugh at this.

Rochr is a great artist. The other day I noticed Rochr had a thread on creating one of his latest super extravagant master-pieces. To make a long story short, Rochr implied that he did not use the program fucntions correctly. However, the image he created then was truly extraordinary.

I know what the program functions do but I lack knowledge on aesthetics. I would like to improve my aesthetics abilities. But how? Guys please tell me.

Rochr has given me tips on improving my artwork. And my artwork improved. But not enough so. What are my options in terms of improving my artwrok? Can anyone point a tutorial that I might benefit from? I.e. paid or unpaid please.


Thank you.


