Forum: Cinema 4D

Subject: ***** Weekly Speed Modeling Session #93: Northern pike *****

cartesius opened this issue on Aug 14, 2009 ยท 9 posts

cartesius posted Fri, 14 August 2009 at 4:36 PM

Some weeks ago we made a fishing lure but what good is a lure without a fish? So, the theme this session is a northern pike (esox lucius)! It's big, it's hungry, it's loaded with sharp teeth and you have 3 hours to model one!

Weekly Speed Modeling Session #93:
Northern pike

Friday August 14

Friday August 21

Modeling Time Allowed:
3 hours

Also remember to visit our special Sticky thread, the Renderosity Cinema 4D Forum Speed Modeling Sessions, for more information as well as links to all sessions!

Best of luck and remember to have fun!

/Cartesius & kromekat

**Weekly Speed Modeling Sessions - General Rules:


/Cartesius & Kromekat

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