Forum: Vue

Subject: Semi OT - CryEngine 3 demo

agiel opened this issue on Aug 12, 2009 · 8 posts

agiel posted Wed, 12 August 2009 at 4:23 PM

Attached Link:

Now I know.... this subject has been brought here before.

I also know that the CryEngine is optimized in many ways for games and does not compare to a full rendering engine such as Vue's.

However, watching these demos makes me wonder when we will see some of that real time rendering technology spill over into tools like Vue for preview purposes.

I still dream for a hybrid tool, that would allow this level of realism for scene composing, lighting and texturing preview... and then allow a 'Render this with ray tracer' button.

Seriously... we are talking real time global illumination, radiosity to some degree and volumetric lighting !