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Poser - OFFICIAL F.A.Q (Last Updated: 2025 Feb 14 4:15 am)

Subject: Question: Clothing not conforming correctly

libernull ( ) posted Tue, 24 June 2008 at 9:58 AM · edited Wed, 12 February 2025 at 11:32 AM

So I'm trying to figure out what is up with a freebie clothing set for the DAZ Troll.  Its the beautiful Shirt/Pants/Boots for the Troll by Varsel, located here: . 

Even though the file says it is fixed, i had to point the obj references to the correct obj in the cr2.  However, thats not the problem.  The problem is this:

When the clothing is first loaded (not yet conformed), it looks as if it will fit the Troll perfectly.  When the clothing is then conformed to the Troll, it seems to fold in on itself.  I remember back in the day I knew what was causing this, but I have been out of the Poser loop for so long, I've forgotten.

I was thinking I'd just pull everything into the Setup room and see if I couldn't fix it.  But then I started thinking I like to know what is causing it first.

I'll post images when I get home from work.  In the meantime, if anyone else has the set (or wants to download it) and its happening to you, and you know whats up - can you enlighten me? 

I'd really appreciate it.  =)

infinity10 ( ) posted Tue, 24 June 2008 at 10:42 AM

I don't use either, but I sometimes have the same issue with other figrues and
conforming clohing.

The work-around is to PARENT the clothing to the figure at zero pose.  then go to frame 30, say.  pose your Troll, then apply the same physical; pose to the clothing.  Both should be "synching" nicely.

Eternal Hobbyist


libernull ( ) posted Tue, 24 June 2008 at 12:25 PM

Not a work-around I enjoy at all!  But thank you for the comment.  =)

libernull ( ) posted Tue, 24 June 2008 at 7:19 PM · edited Tue, 24 June 2008 at 7:20 PM


Here is a compilation image showing the unconformed boots, pants, and shirt and then the same when the are conformed to the Troll.  I made one of the Troll's shins and feet invisible to give a better view of what is happening.

Troll is IK off and zero'd.  It fits perfectly before it is conformed.

Please - what is happening and how can I correct it?

svdl ( ) posted Tue, 24 June 2008 at 7:37 PM

There's two things I can think of.

  1. The clothes were rigged using the Troll as the skeleton donor. In that case, the clothing comes in with some default bends, equal to the Troll default bends when you load him from the library. If that is the case, the following should work:
  • load the clothes, don't conform;
  • choose Window->Joint Editor, and click Zero Figure;
  • choose Edit->Memorize->Figure;
  • save back to the library.
    Do this for all of the clothes, and they should conform well.
  1. Too many bones have been removed from the hierarchy.I've never been able to create conforming clothes that conform well if not at least one "extra" body part bone was included. For example, the shirt doesn't cover the wrists or hands and will not have a visible "right hand" or "eft hand". Still, if the rHand and lHand bone are NOT included in the bone hierarchy, weird things happen. The only way to fix that is going to the Setup room, apply the Troll skeleton, delete the body parts you don't need - but keep the hands, neck, maybe even the head bones. Also, always keep the hip and the chain of bones that lead to the actual clothes! The boots would need hip, rButtock, rThigh, rFoot, rToe, lButtock, lThigh, lFoot, lToe, for example.I usually keep the abdomen part too, so that the hip bone will stay oriented as it should.

There must be a way to do away with all those extra bones, but I haven't figured out yet how to do that.

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infinity10 ( ) posted Tue, 24 June 2008 at 7:44 PM · edited Tue, 24 June 2008 at 7:45 PM

Those are good pointers, svdl.

Also, I sometimes find it useful to adjust the centre of a part in the clothing (upper arm, lower arm, thigh etc), through the Joint Parameter menu.  There is a tutorial at PhilC's website that very shows how to do this - quite simple.  It does get the clothes to fit and move with the figure better.

scrol right down to get the last tutorial.

Eternal Hobbyist


libernull ( ) posted Tue, 24 June 2008 at 8:12 PM

svdl - Thank you!  That is perfect.  The first suggestion worked like a charm.  It does indeed look like the Troll himself was used as the donor rigging with none of the bones deleted.

Thanks both of you for taking the time to comment. 

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