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Poser - OFFICIAL F.A.Q (Last Updated: 2025 Feb 08 9:27 am)

Subject: You cant make what you dont have....

BAR-CODE ( ) posted Sat, 19 August 2006 at 3:52 PM · edited Thu, 21 November 2024 at 7:47 AM

Hi all

I just want to make a point here

I think not everybody understand that for making clothes for a figure you NEED that figure.

I get questions if i was willing to make clothes or SF stuff for rikishi or that apollo figure..

I dont have rikishi so with all the goodwill in this world i can make clothes for him...

That apollo dude is not for sale anymore so i dont have him and i think i never will get him.

And i do need those figures to make something fit , poseble, etc etc.

So im honnored that im asked to.. but for now i cant i cant ..not i wont .. make stuff for them or any other character i dont have.

Thnx for reading this






My Free Stuff

Fazzel ( ) posted Sat, 19 August 2006 at 4:52 PM · edited Sat, 19 August 2006 at 4:56 PM

If you  have Poser 6 that's whats nice about Jessi, Kate, James, Ben, Judy, Penny, Don, Will,
Possette, Dork, Alpha Man, Beta Boy, and LaRoo, you can't beat the price, because if
you buy Poser 6 all of them are included.  Add that to Daz's free Victoria 3.0,
Michael 3.0, and Aiko.  Also Maya Doll and a bunch of free characters from Sixus,
and you could populate a small stadium with free characters

BAR-CODE ( ) posted Sat, 19 August 2006 at 4:59 PM

mmm okay .. i dont get this repley completely ...

this was not about FREE characters .. it was about asking me to make stuff for NON free characters that i DONT have..

And you need them to make stuff for them ...  that was what it was about ...

And its never so like: " i'll buy you rikishi and you make some stuff Ok ?? " ...

But im still honnored they even think about me for the modeling ;}

making stuff for characters i have is no problem "ahum when i master it all" ..






My Free Stuff

Morgano ( ) posted Sat, 19 August 2006 at 6:20 PM

As far as Apollo Maximus is concerned, you could point them to Wardrobe Wizard (   Something designed for a character that WW supports can be converted to fit AM.   There's a (long) list of supported figures.   I do entirely take your point.  If people realise that they can actually expand their AM wardrobes without persecuting you, though, they may leave you to work on whatever you prefer to be working on.   I can't help you with "Rikishi", though.   I've never heard of that one and I don't see him (?) in the list.  

BAR-CODE ( ) posted Sat, 19 August 2006 at 6:29 PM

Rikishi is a new Dude for sale at CP and here i believe its a BIG dude ...

I like him i just dont have ca$h  for him ..otherwise ... hehehe he whould get nice stuff ;}

Search for the name in gallerie's and so on .. one thing i know for sure when you go to CP

and check the top sellers now he's in it..






My Free Stuff

Miss Nancy ( ) posted Sat, 19 August 2006 at 6:38 PM

at least now they know you're willing to do clothes for rikishi. maybe somebody will buy him for ya.

Morgano ( ) posted Sat, 19 August 2006 at 6:58 PM

As soon as I posted that, I spotted something about Rikishi in the forum here.

Acadia ( ) posted Sat, 19 August 2006 at 9:20 PM · edited Sat, 19 August 2006 at 9:20 PM

I think it would be a nice gesture on the part of creators to provide established modelers with a free base figure (none or bare base morphs, and no textures),  so that they could make clothing for the figures.   I would think that it would help enhance sales of the figure in the end if there were more clothing items available for the figure.

I know that's why I don't bother with new figures because I like to have access to a variety of goods for the figure, and until a figure gets established, that just isn't the case.

"It is good to see ourselves as others see us. Try as we may, we are never
able to know ourselves fully as we are, especially the evil side of us.
This we can do only if we are not angry with our critics but will take in good
heart whatever they might have to say." - Ghandi

pakled ( ) posted Sat, 19 August 2006 at 10:20 PM don't go ballistic if this isn't legal/kosher/halal/etc..
If you could just export the .obj file (not the .mtl, boning system, etc), someone could use it as a 'dummy' to make clothes.  If it's not ok, then just disregard the idea.

some things you could make without having the model; hair, maybe shoes, possibly armor, that could be modified slightly to 'fit' .

The legal way would probably be to collaborate with someone who does have the critters you want; you make the clothes, they try them on, etc. Just another idea..

I wish I'd said that.. The Staircase Wit

anahl nathrak uth vas betude doth yel dyenvey..;)

BAR-CODE ( ) posted Sun, 20 August 2006 at 5:06 AM

mmm just a DUMMY wont work .. when the modeling is done ...

The object "Shirt" need to be devided into parts that are the same as the figures parts.

So all the parts should be in the figure head,neck,chest, etc etc

Other wise the clothes can bent with the figure and end up like the figures in my last images"WIP"

Unable to pose :}






My Free Stuff

pakled ( ) posted Sun, 20 August 2006 at 11:02 AM

ah..well, that makes collaboration or purchase your only options...bummer..:|

I wish I'd said that.. The Staircase Wit

anahl nathrak uth vas betude doth yel dyenvey..;)

JOELGLAINE ( ) posted Sun, 20 August 2006 at 11:15 AM

Yeah, the 'Dummy' idea has some merit, but you need the joint control parameters and with Rikishi in particular (Since he has actual human movements JCM's) you really need the actual figure. 

I'd have to be a master to do clothes for him!  Holy cow, when he squats down, his belly squooshes out like a real person's stomach and it don't stop there.  He actually deforms like a pliable person does. @__@.

Philc might be up to the task if he gets Rikishi and gets torn away from the other projects and products he's working on.

The thought of someone trying to do some stuff for the big guy IS appreciatted, though! ^__^ V,,

I cannot save the world. Only my little piece of it. If we all act together, we can save the world.--Nelson Mandela
An  inconsistent hobgoblin is the fool of little minds
Taking "Just do it" to a whole new level!   

Miss Nancy ( ) posted Sun, 20 August 2006 at 3:21 PM

yer right, pakled, it's not legal 😄 the donor would have to buy him a separate copy, assuming the donor already owned a copy of rikishi. meaning the donor would hafta buy it twice. but then I presume the donor would get a free copy of the clothing item, so it would balance out, cost-wise.

BAR-CODE ( ) posted Sun, 20 August 2006 at 4:22 PM

 I presume the donor would get a free copy of the clothing item,
so it would balance out, cost-wise.

Yeah that whould ake it more fair hahaha...





My Free Stuff

pokeydots ( ) posted Sun, 20 August 2006 at 6:18 PM

Well Mr Bar Code do I have a surprise for you ;o)......................................................................... :biggrin:

Poser 9 SR3  and 8 sr3
Processor Type:  AMD Phenom II 830 Quad-Core
2.80GHz, 4000MHz System Bus, 2MB L2 Cache + 6MB Shared L3 Cache
Hard Drive Size:  1TB
Processor - Clock Speed:  2.8 GHz
Operating System:  Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit 
Graphics Type:  ATI Radeon HD 4200
•ATI Radeon HD 4200 integrated graphics 
System Ram:  8GB 

BAR-CODE ( ) posted Sun, 20 August 2006 at 6:23 PM

Ha ! i like suprises ..well that TAX dude on my doorstep was not very funn for a suprise :}






My Free Stuff

pokeydots ( ) posted Sun, 20 August 2006 at 6:28 PM


Poser 9 SR3  and 8 sr3
Processor Type:  AMD Phenom II 830 Quad-Core
2.80GHz, 4000MHz System Bus, 2MB L2 Cache + 6MB Shared L3 Cache
Hard Drive Size:  1TB
Processor - Clock Speed:  2.8 GHz
Operating System:  Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit 
Graphics Type:  ATI Radeon HD 4200
•ATI Radeon HD 4200 integrated graphics 
System Ram:  8GB 

BAR-CODE ( ) posted Sun, 20 August 2006 at 6:31 PM

WOHAA... i'll try to type as good as i can ... its hard typing while sitting on the floor...

So why in heavens name am i sitting on the floor... well

I fell OFF my chair .. and im seeing pokeydots .... i just got A gift ... RIKISHI !! yeah man

So i CAN make what i HAVE now !!! THNX Mr/Mrs POKEYDOTS ...

And what kind of clothes whould YOU like me to make!

Im a bit smacked by this GIFT ... THNX and im gratefull, so Hit me what is you bidding :}

Chris .."happy Camper"






My Free Stuff

pokeydots ( ) posted Sun, 20 August 2006 at 6:36 PM

lol Chris get off the floor! Make what you like ;o) It isn't a bribe its a gift ;o)  And I'm a she :)

Poser 9 SR3  and 8 sr3
Processor Type:  AMD Phenom II 830 Quad-Core
2.80GHz, 4000MHz System Bus, 2MB L2 Cache + 6MB Shared L3 Cache
Hard Drive Size:  1TB
Processor - Clock Speed:  2.8 GHz
Operating System:  Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit 
Graphics Type:  ATI Radeon HD 4200
•ATI Radeon HD 4200 integrated graphics 
System Ram:  8GB 

BAR-CODE ( ) posted Sun, 20 August 2006 at 6:41 PM

Okay Thnx miss Pokeydots ... if you know anything let me know and ill sure try to make it...

I'll check out your gallery to see whats you style etc etc ...

And thnx for this great gift !1 but this was not the intention of this thread btw ... so im realy SUPRISED by this!!






My Free Stuff

pokeydots ( ) posted Sun, 20 August 2006 at 6:47 PM

Your welcome and have fun ;o)

Poser 9 SR3  and 8 sr3
Processor Type:  AMD Phenom II 830 Quad-Core
2.80GHz, 4000MHz System Bus, 2MB L2 Cache + 6MB Shared L3 Cache
Hard Drive Size:  1TB
Processor - Clock Speed:  2.8 GHz
Operating System:  Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit 
Graphics Type:  ATI Radeon HD 4200
•ATI Radeon HD 4200 integrated graphics 
System Ram:  8GB 

JOELGLAINE ( ) posted Mon, 21 August 2006 at 5:37 AM

Hard bit Rikishi fans  will go to any lengths to get the big dude some new duds! 

Dang!  She beat me to it! :lol:

I cannot save the world. Only my little piece of it. If we all act together, we can save the world.--Nelson Mandela
An  inconsistent hobgoblin is the fool of little minds
Taking "Just do it" to a whole new level!   

pokeydots ( ) posted Mon, 21 August 2006 at 9:39 AM


Poser 9 SR3  and 8 sr3
Processor Type:  AMD Phenom II 830 Quad-Core
2.80GHz, 4000MHz System Bus, 2MB L2 Cache + 6MB Shared L3 Cache
Hard Drive Size:  1TB
Processor - Clock Speed:  2.8 GHz
Operating System:  Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit 
Graphics Type:  ATI Radeon HD 4200
•ATI Radeon HD 4200 integrated graphics 
System Ram:  8GB 

libernull ( ) posted Tue, 03 June 2008 at 12:43 PM

So... BAR-CODE.  Was anything ever made?  I'm jonesing for some Riki SciFi goodness.  And since you have the figure now and all... =)

BAR-CODE ( ) posted Tue, 03 June 2008 at 12:46 PM

yeah things were made and online for a while ...
maybe some day ill put them back again i dont have the space for them
and  i will do more for the big dude ...
But think about Wardrobe wizzard 2 for a change ... that can transform the outfits to fit rikishi  perfect ..
its 3000 time worth the money....






My Free Stuff

markschum ( ) posted Tue, 03 June 2008 at 1:05 PM

Just to fill in a point here . Apollo was removed from Sale , but was then made a free figure at

theres rumored to be a 2008 update coming .

Conniekat8 ( ) posted Tue, 03 June 2008 at 3:30 PM

Quote - I think it would be a nice gesture on the part of creators to provide established modelers with a free base figure (none or bare base morphs, and no textures),  so that they could make clothing for the figures.   I would think that it would help enhance sales of the figure in the end if there were more clothing items available for the figure.

Some character creators actually do that. What I've done in the past is contacted the character outhor and showed them the outfit I'm modeling, told them I would lobe to make a fit for their character, but don't have th character. So far everyone I contacted came forward and gave me the character to use. I'd say about 10 vendors total.

Separate note: I'm not sure why Apollo is being mentioned as a figure that can't be obtained - Apollo is free and available. For those whom don't have him yet, and would like him, please follow the banner in my sig line to get your own free copy.

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markschum ( ) posted Tue, 03 June 2008 at 4:20 PM

er Conniecat - look up    , lol ....

your sig is a bit hard to miss though ...

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