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MarketPlace Showcase F.A.Q (Last Updated: 2025 Feb 18 3:15 pm)
noggin I'm honored that you approve :) incidentally your new owl looks most excellent ..makes me want to make a cactus for the scops :) these poses use the easypose dials ... a pain to get them to work ..but with great result. So they can be adjusted via the easy pose without having to zero out all the tail segments. Lyrra
Thank you Lyrra. I'm interested to know how you do that with the Easipose (save them I mean)_ I thought it wasn't possible. I run all my easipose stuff through a little python script of Ajax's that converts them to standard pose dials so that I can save them as PP2's. ps If you have time to include one I'd love to see that classic tiger pose with the tiger drinking at a stream but on the look out!
Noggin I tried to do that one but the neck and elbows kept exploding. Sure wasnt pretty! I had to delete a couple where the joints just didnt allow for the movement in the real animal. And I was continually amased at how limber tigers can be .. I never would have made this set if I wasnt entirely enthralled by tigers. (have about 3 gigs of tiger photos on CD) Took a lot of work...but now I have tiger poses to use :) the only other pose set was made for lions and they just dont move the same way. Fly, Acadia - thank you.. they're in pending over at PoserPros they should be up in a few days :)
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23 poses for the MilBigCat Tiger, including 2 pair poses. No mirrored poses, all have tails posed via the built in EasyPose dials Will work fairly well on any other MilBig cat species morph Painstakingly created from photo sources Coming soon