Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Heart.obj needed

ROGUE6023 opened this issue on Jan 01, 2001 ยท 4 posts

ROGUE6023 posted Mon, 01 January 2001 at 1:37 PM

No possette is not in critical condition!, yet! I am looking for a heart model that can be used in Poser. Yes it will be gruesome when complete! It may require a new Adult Content clasification be added to the post warnings :P Thanks in advance for any assistance. Rogue6023

steveshanks posted Mon, 01 January 2001 at 3:03 PM

try 3dcafe i'm sure they have one, zygote definetly have some but they start around $500 ouch! LOL.......Steve

ROGUE6023 posted Mon, 01 January 2001 at 5:11 PM

Thanks Steve, Gotta get one for use in Cr2Edit project :)

TryToFly posted Mon, 01 January 2001 at 8:35 PM

Attached Link:

some time ago Dedicated Digital gave away a very realistic human heart in obj format. It's not on their website anymore but if you ask them, maybe they will send it to you. TTF