Forum Coordinators: RedPhantom
Poser - OFFICIAL F.A.Q (Last Updated: 2025 Feb 15 11:01 am)
This is an interesting question, I have been moving away from exposed skin in thumbnails, because I thought we were moving that direction. In pose sets, I use body MATs to illustrate the poses, so that we don't have that skin issue to deal with. In fact, I have set these up and given them away to my fellow merchants. Lately for the lace sets, I have been making them less transparent in the thumbnails, but I suppose I could not use any model, and leave the transparency at full for just the garmet, with a white background to show off the lace. But, it is a good question as to where to start and stop! I like many other merchants, want to get along, but I suppose we need feedback and a group concensus, however that is always hard to do, so this is where the staff comes in at Renderosity. I look forward to more discussion on this subject. I do believe that it might have been started, due to the fact that they were looking at things they could controll with the nudity flag checked. The thumbnails were one. This doesn't mean that it should be that way, just something that was possible. Of course, nudity is a sales tool, if one allows it, then everyone will be using it to get customer to look at their product. I, along with others will be interested in hearing more of this discussion!
Well, if customers have the option of filtering out nudity and merchants have the option of having nudity in thier promo and most cases it probably isn't a good idea to have nudity because the merchant loses out on potential viewers/buyers. Ergo, it most likely isn't in a merchants best interest to have nudity in product images/thumbnails. --Rebekah--
I agree that nudity in thumbnails is not a good idea, but when you're selling skin textures, there has to be a certain amount of "tasteful" nudity in the actual promo images.
As someone who both creates them and buys them, you need to be able to see, to a fairly large degree, what you are paying for. You wouldn't buy a car after only being able to see the door, especially since, unfortunately, you can't always take the written description merchants provide at face value; it seems there is a vast amount of individual interpretation for what is considered "photorealistic" and "high resolution".
This is not to say that the nudity needs to or should be extreme or "pornographic" in any way. It is possible to have nudity displayed in such a way that it is not offensive to anyone that would be looking to purchase a skin texture.
I look at it like this: if you can handle creating an image using a naked adult male/female form as a base in a program such as Poser, then you can handle seeing a naked buttock or breast tastefully displayed in a promo image. And if you aren't up to using a naked adult male/female form as a base, then you probably wouldn't be looking at a product promo that would justifiably contain nudity anyway.
Did any of the above make sense? My brain seems to be working at a different speed than my typing fingers and I'm still half asleep. grin Hope I don't offend anyone with this, just wanted to post my two cents is all.
anyway i wonder how you can ever imagine to make promo image for full body textures if you put clothes on them :) btw such topic get up again on the surface of the mud from time to time :) anyway i would strongly advise not to use computer at work for personnal usage :( no matter if during your lunch break or not, it always can be source of problems, any kind of problems
anyone with an eye, or two hands..realizes that there's more skin on a person than just the 'naughty bits'..;) Unless you're selling something that just references them. I don't think it's changed, because I can go there at work without having anything untoward pop up..and I'm set to the 'nonskin' option..;)
I wish I'd said that.. The Staircase Wit
anahl nathrak uth vas betude doth yel dyenvey..;)
pakled, I agree with you, If you go to Daz they have no nudity and I like poser pros. there thumb nails have no nudity and when you look at the product there they have links to more pictures and they lable any nudity. I have seen this subject before and most people in the other posts mention when they are at work they cant view with out problems, this could cost some of you customers or inconveinence some. The other issue is I have noticed sometimes the market place is like soft porn and the "soft" is getting harder with very sugestive "sexual" overtones. I take great pride in my artistry and admire the amazing art and products that are done here by all and don
t like to see it cheepened. Oh, on skin textures: face, hands, elbows, nees and feet, in that order is what I am interested when I buy a skin texture the 'naughty bits' are of no interest to me, I would buy a good texture even with out them : )) I know others are different and I understand that and respect that. Lets face it, thanks to a lot of you Viky gets more real every day! I mean posette is like seeing Barbe nude, things are different now and it
s good that we are talking about this : ) Thanks for the post and for listening : ) Kim
"Democracy is a pathetic belief in the collective wisdom of individual ignorance." - H. L. Mencken
Personally, I wouldn't buy a character/texture that didn't provide a full view of the product. I agree 100%, but the original post was referring to the thumbnails containing nudity, not the product image/s. And aren't you less likely to click on one of those ugly thumbnails, than a tastefully done one that isn't blocked out because it has nudity on it?
Other than testing this out of curiosity, I never block anything, so the thumb skin quotient doesn't matter to me. Of course, I've yet to see even the most elaborately tarted up Vicky that really turned me on so I guess I don't really see them as sexual beings, just models and really not worthy of generating an emotional response other than admiration if they're executed skillfully.
"Democracy is a pathetic belief in the collective wisdom of individual ignorance." - H. L. Mencken
Yes, the option isn't worded very clearly since it only mentions galleries. Hats? Well, they use sex to sell beer and toothpaste, why not hats I suppose. That does seem a little gratituitous but no one ever said capitalism was pretty.
"Democracy is a pathetic belief in the collective wisdom of individual ignorance." - H. L. Mencken
Attached Link:
From a review of 'The Erotic History of Advertising:'
"Tobacco products in the 19th century were sold via posters showing nearly (or entirely) topless women. These buxom women were often draped in toga-like robes and posed like Greek or Roman statues. A midwestern varnish company used completely nude models in the 1930s, but those ads appeared in a trade magazine that they assumed women would never see."
Varnish? Maybe hats aren't so far fetched after all.
Message edited on: 10/24/2004 01:55
"Democracy is a pathetic belief in the collective wisdom of individual ignorance." - H. L. Mencken
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I'm amazed to see more and more nudity - including full female frontal nudity - is showing up more and more in the RO Marketplace. So much for browsing at work... :(