Forum Coordinators: RedPhantom
Poser - OFFICIAL F.A.Q (Last Updated: 2025 Feb 07 7:37 am)
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3d gladiators have quite a few poser ready star wars figures but you have to be a member to get them. Membership is free. They have a stormtrooper, a sandtrooper, jar jar binks a jawa and others. The stormtrooper and sandtrooper and jar jar are probably the best.Attached Link:
I think Phil C has one of the Oola characters..try here..Could be wrong...;)I wish I'd said that.. The Staircase Wit
anahl nathrak uth vas betude doth yel dyenvey..;)
pakled - Yes, thanks. I downloaded PhilC's awesome Oola. And, Sixus1's Wonderful Jabba the Hutt & Yoda; and Vanishingpoint's cornucopia of SW paraphenilia. In spite of the awesome link Xantor provided, I am really shocked there are not more Poser ready fingures available. I just now picked up Knights of the Old Republic and am on a serious SW kick. I just assumed that there would be a proverbial Banthaa butt full of SW related Poser figures available considering the number of static props available. I guess I'll try my own hand at making some Old Republic Sith armor and Clone armor. It's really too bad more aliens are not available.
chewbacca is probably not available because of the difficulty with his fur, but it could probably be done like transmapped hair. I tried converting a sy snootles figure but I got stuck with the neck. I am still trying to make a good darth vader figure but I wouldnt hold my breath waiting for that. Someone made a good boba fett poser figure but I don
t have a link for it. (I thought it was 3dgladiators) maybe someone else knows where it is?
If you have Vicky, the Morphing fantasy Dress, and you're a Platinum Club member, this texture pack makes a helluva neat Sith outfit. "On the Darkside." Check it out. Try scifi3d at for Darth Vader. Though I think I got mine from animotions -- will have to look up the readme on that.
Message edited on: 09/24/2004 20:30
The darth vaders at scifi 3d are not poser figures and one of them at least is badly out of proportion, but the figures could be used to make your own darth vader poser figure.
There is a free darth vader at 3dgladiators and a few other sites but it is not the best quality.
Message edited on: 09/24/2004 20:59
I think Chewy could be done like any animal is done - horse, dog, cat, etc - after all, he's not fuzzy. And post working him a little would give the desired results.
Boba Fett armor would be awesome - could be made into Clone armor as well.
Vader I got from 3dgladiators and that one is good enough for me.
I do have that 'on the dark side' texture package - but thanks for including it.
For the Old Republic Sith armor, it could mostly be done with textures - and quite possibly the old Stormguards helmet might do the trick with the appropriate textures... I guess I could try rigging some static models - the only problem is, I couldn't share any successes without talking to the model's creator.
Message edited on: 09/24/2004 21:58
RAMNIMUS - Yes, Dodger has a lot of SW related props at - got them all. Its figures I am seeking now. Aliens specifically, and droids. As an aside - I found a pretty low poly and wonderfully modelled free Battle Droid 3ds model that I am going to give a whack at rigging for poser. If I am successful, I'll see of the creator would be willing to let me distribute the poser-ified version.
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also, check by, which has every robot, ship, building, etc., that ever walked, crawled, beeped, blooped, or darkened a screen of any of the 6 movies..;)I wish I'd said that.. The Staircase Wit
anahl nathrak uth vas betude doth yel dyenvey..;)
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...except this site has a lot more, too.I am a bit confused. Quite a while ago I downloaded a figure called something like "Big Hairy Guy in a Yak Suit". I think it was by 3d Menagerie, and it was quite close to a Chewie kind of figure, but I can't find my file or the download. Anyway, it was good enough after you did some extra work on it.
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I did a search and found quite a few static models, and the amazing Sixus1, Vanishingpoint and PhilC Poser-ready props and figures. Are there more Poser ready figures available? Given the popularity of the genre and the amount of 3d static models, I am completely baffled at the seeming lack of Poser-ready models. Stormtroopers? Wookies? Clones? Droids? Tuskin Raiders? Jawa? Fett? Please, someone help?