Forum: Vue

Subject: ripples in the sand

ROGUE6023 opened this issue on Nov 17, 2003 ยท 3 posts

ROGUE6023 posted Mon, 17 November 2003 at 9:17 PM

Hey all, I have had Vue4 for several months but am not very proficient with it yet. I am attempting to generate ripples like you would find on any large wind blown sand surface. I have attempted to generate this effect useing the tutorial on pg 251 of users guide but the effect generated appears too uniform. Any tips would be appreciated. Cheers, Dave

Polax posted Tue, 18 November 2003 at 9:17 AM

Hi, To my point of view, the best thing to do is to begin with Vue's mats (there are some mats that are near to what you're looking for) and edit them to see how they are done... then play with the functions settings turbulence, fractal noise etc... Material editor is very powerful but requires some time to understand.. Don't forget to check in the Backroom here for very useful general tips.. good luck!

ROGUE6023 posted Tue, 18 November 2003 at 10:01 PM

Thank you for the info Polax, I will check out the back room.