Forum: Photoshop

Subject: unlocking layers

ROGUE6023 opened this issue on Jul 06, 2003 ยท 5 posts

ROGUE6023 posted Sun, 06 July 2003 at 9:55 PM

Probobly a dumb question but, is there a way to unlock layers once the image has been saved? (ver PS6) My guess is no, but just incase I thought I would ask.

dreamer101 posted Sun, 06 July 2003 at 10:11 PM

If file is saved with layers (as in PSD format) you can unlock all but the background. You would need to change background to a layer (by double clicking on it in the layers palette it becomes layer 0). You would then be able to unlock that too.

retrocity posted Sun, 06 July 2003 at 11:16 PM

do you mean that the image has been flattened (one layer) then saved???

if it's not been closed yet, you could go back through the "History" palette, or to undo the save, just press Option-Command/Ctrl - Alt + Z a couple of times until you see your layers coming back.

In ver 7 there's another trick (but since you're using 6...)


Hoofdcommissaris posted Mon, 07 July 2003 at 1:53 AM

Retrocity! Tell us the 7 trick (can't get it out of my head - can't think of anything - just have PS7 for one week at my home set-up)!

ROGUE6023 posted Mon, 07 July 2003 at 9:11 PM

Thank you all for the information. Unfortunatly the image has been flattened and saved so I guess I will have to start from scratch :(