Forum: Vue

Subject: Poser 5 to Vue4 via Poser 4

ROGUE6023 opened this issue on Mar 01, 2003 ยท 1 posts

ROGUE6023 posted Sat, 01 March 2003 at 9:53 AM

Here is a trick you can use to get P5 characters into Vue4 with all textures intact most of the time. Note: This is for Static characters only,you must have both P5 and P4 installed, have a working knowledge of Poser file structure, be willing to do some .cr2 editing or give up some disk space for duplicate files. Copy the following folders from P5 to P4 1.Goemetries/P5xxx (see .cr2 figureResFile: line for exact location) 2.Textures/poser 5 Textures/figure textures/xxx (see .cr2 textureMap: line for exact location) 3.Create new folder in Poser 4/runtime/Libraries/character/xxx ( I used Poser 5 but any name will work) (replace xxx with which ever character/folder you need) 4.Load P5 and Set preferences to do NOT! use compression 5.Load your character and save to new library, this saves a .cr2 which P4 can read. 6.Copy .cr2 from P5 to P4 folder created in step 3. 7.Load new figure and save as PZ3. 8.Load Vue4 and import to your scene and you are done. This porcess has worked with Judy and her clothing flawlessly. P5 dynamic hair is a 50/50 shot sometimes it imports 100% transparent without texture, as I am fairly new to Vue4 I haven't figured out how to properly apply multiple materials and trans to items but I'm sure it can be done. I hope you find this information usefull. Cheers Dave