91 threads found!
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Jaqui | 4 | 2033 | ||
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Jaqui | 54 | 2533 | |
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Jaqui | 1 | 33 | ||
Jaqui | 2 | 65 | ||
Jaqui | 2 | 53 | ||
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Jaqui | 0 | 22 |
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Jaqui | 12 | 75 | ||
Jaqui | 8 | 96 | ||
Jaqui | 0 | 11 |
Jaqui | 1 | 12 |
1,121 comments found!
not my first choice, since the box modeling style it uses doesn't fit my own style of working.
Thread: a fairly well done FREE 3d app. | Forum: 3D Modeling
Quote -
ย triangulated all the facets.
um, yeah, they use triangular faces in it.
I did say it is limited. :D
for a free app, with only a small user base, they are doing a credible job developing.
Thread: navigation improvement | Forum: Suggestion Box
Thread: Windows Vista, REAL COSTS.. | Forum: Community Center
I'm as pro linux as you can get, and I have managed to avoid slamming MS.
the article I linked to at the start of this thread was written to inform people of the issues, let everyone decide for themselves, just give them the chance to have full information.
I sent an email to the author of the article, his response:
The article was written in the very early stages of testing, since it's release I have heard that MS is working on these issues, but my sources from the industry have not been talking with me so I have no current information.
my new system [ just bought it ] will be MS free forever.
I'll continue to be 100% linux and not have these issues, but not everyone is willing to tell Daz, Autodesk .. etc to take a hike, if you want my money make a linux version of your applications. I am willing to not be spending money for software that doesn't run on my OS. I'll spend money for software that does run on it, like Softimage XSI, Maya.
Thread: Windows Vista, REAL COSTS.. | Forum: Community Center
Miss Nancy,
vista? based on the objectivec based cocoa framework and OPEN SOURCE beos operating system that became Mac OSX Jaquar?
no, the article is on the bugs introduced to protect dvd content creators, cd content creators etc.
it is literally the DRM taken to the extreme that is the focus of the article.
no problem, if people don't know the extremes to which the DRM is being taken they can't make an informed decision.
one member over on Daz tried the beta of vista, no POSER, no Daz Studio, no openGL based games.
the DRM / Content Protection stpped him from using them.
no driver updates allowed, they weren't "digitally signed" for vista.
I'm not saying that copyright's shouldn't be respected, but there has to be a point where enough is enough in protecting them.
making people unable to use original discs to view a movie is not an acceptable limitation.
Thread: Challenging Modelling project anyone? | Forum: 3D Modeling
Thread: technically detailed modelling... | Forum: Challenge Arena
that's the idea. a team to create a detailed model, then get the International recognition for a valid design. :) by engineering companies.
Thread: WTF? | Forum: Community Center
but it's windows itself doing it not the browser. that's why the file extentions are getting screwed.
Thread: WTF? | Forum: Community Center
and half of the Mozilla codebase is proprietary Netscape code stil. both sets of browsers are based on the Gecko rendering engine. some of firefox's code is not open source. ( go grab the source for it and you can easily verify my comment. )
Thread: WTF? | Forum: Community Center
it's a common error, actually caused by windows trying to be helpfull. it's the save as taking the extention of the webpage and tacking it onto the file. doung a mouseover on the download butting you can see if it's a file or website link. when it's a file link right click and save link target as, then change the filetype in the dialog. no more screwy extentions.
Thread: Writing..professionally.... | Forum: Writers
okay, this amazes me, over 4000 downloads of the pdf version of the article. Download Linux 101: How to set up Linux on a personal computer from TechRepublic now Download Now Rating: 4.5 / 5 Downloads: 4195 Release Date: 12/5/05 Version: 1.0 File Size: 59 KB License: copyright System Requirements: Acobat Reader 5.0 or later
Thread: How to read like a writer - from Writer's Diegest | Forum: Writers
Attached Link: http://www.baen.com/library/
You can learn a lot about writing by reading, if you note where a particular book / author does something that strikes you as wrong while reading it, then examine that passage to see why.[ as major as the plot is to obvious would be something that would stick out ]also, examine which author(s) you enjoy reading and look for the similarities between them, then the differences. one author that I really enjoy reading, for both the humour in her work and the skill she has in hiding the answers in unique twists in the plots is Lois McMaster Bujold. I cannot read one of her novels without laughing so hard tears re pouring from my eyes. She has an entire series, [ science fiction space opera / comedy ] that is based on an insane set of circumstances. one of her novels is available from Baen's Free library, electronic versions of some books. the link is the free library
Message edited on: 12/27/2005 13:13
Thread: best ways | Forum: 3D Modeling
best software: the application that fits you best. rhino works for a lot of people, but then wings, blender etc works also. the actual method depends on both the application, and the style of modelling both it supports and you find best to work with.
Thread: SF Story Probably being Written At this Moment | Forum: Writers
I can see it now: mutant mice taking over the human empire spread across the galaxy!!!! We haven't been able to wipe them out when they don't have the smarts of a human being, how much chance would we have if they did have? the sequel: the mouse empire takes on the cockroaches!!!!! with a numerical disadvantage of about 20 trillion to one!!!
Thread: Writing..professionally.... | Forum: Writers
T.P., good point, maybe starting a thread to see how many people who currently post here have been paid for their work.
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Thread: a fairly well done FREE 3d app. | Forum: 3D Modeling