Forum: DAZ|Studio

Subject: Distorted Wardrobe items

DocPhoton opened this issue on May 01, 2024 ยท 15 posts

DocPhoton posted Mon, 06 May 2024 at 11:31 PM

Puzzled in what way? High-heels go back to the ancient Egyptians yes, but couldn't find any in examples of traditional Hellenic costume is all.

I should have looked earlier to do it that way. There is a cutout Opacity slider for the shoes. Not the first time I've gone the long way around.

As far as shaders go, they look beautiful in DS, but only two maps for any surface will export at most.  The maps are all in their original folder(s), so I copy to new folder rather than link. Confuses things less. Then you resurface. I've 3rd party tools that makes it easy & quick process to PBR.

Some maps are split up into sub folders. At first I didn't care for that system as every item's map has a "01 Base color" texture. So when opened in Lightwave at least, it uses the first "01 Base color" map it sees for that surface and moves on. So a Jacket might get partially surfaced using the Shoe maps for example. Once I figured out the system, it actually makes it quick & easy to surface.

I use ShaderMap also, Version 4 R3, and only recently discovered I've been using it wrong for character work.  All the examples are for non organic items, so you don't really have examples with surfaces that need to be seamless such as the Face and Torso or Arms.

It's somehow to do with generating the Displacement map, and I think Edge Detection, as there's a blur going on, and that subsequently gets passed on to the Normal.

On my To-Do list is to write & ask him about that, or I could just futz around with it some more.