Forum: Community Center

Subject: Suggestion Wish List

Wolfenshire opened this issue on Mar 25, 2024 ยท 32 posts

Giana posted Mon, 01 April 2024 at 4:03 AM

gosh, i would think/hope that having accuracy wouldn't be a thing that divides people, right??? or shoudn't maybe?? bah, i dunno... sigh :)

and if the Charts cycle more quickly, as you suggest, thus become less attention grabbing, why have them at all, yanno?  i just want them gone, or handled differently, or at the very least, more accurately, as tbh, i'm just tired of hearing about them from people, and the games that seem to go on around them... rather things be about ART :D

i will also add that i've heard a number of folks, not just the ones who have voiced it already, in want of a 'block' feature for the galleries... i have a truly mixed viewpoint on that suggestion, but will say that i'm in less want of it than i am for it, as i can see some fairly negative things that could, but may not, come from such a thing... just me, tho, so who really cares... :)

hope everyone has a terrific week! :D