Forum: Poser 13

Subject: Library objects load very slowly

Bastep opened this issue on Feb 19, 2024 ยท 11 posts

odf posted Mon, 19 February 2024 at 9:42 PM

nerd posted at 8:48 PM Mon, 19 February 2024 - #4481801

The library in poser is really just a web page. Make sure Poser is open and try this link.

It's just a local web page, based on Chromium. It uses local network ports to communicate with Poser. It's a made that way so the same interface can connect with the content store and the local library.

Ah, now that you mention it, I remember that that's been the case for a long time. Darn!

Anyway, thanks for the tip to install Poser at a different location. I've been hit with this issue badly, as well, so I'll give that a go.

-- I'm not mad at you, just Westphalian.