Forum: Poser 13

Subject: POSER to AI - OMG !

qaz opened this issue on Jan 15, 2024 ยท 56 posts

qaz posted Wed, 17 January 2024 at 11:42 AM

But where does the art begin ? I go to a great deal of trouble to create personality morphs, but I didn't create the figure, just manipulated what the computer generated. The great thing about this software is it doesn't invent a scene based on some text input. You invent the scene in Poser. In the same way a photographer  produces art by framing a shot and choosing the right light conditions, we are doing the same in Poser. All this is doing is taking what you have created and enhancing it a bit.

This is a scene I created in Poser  a few years back

Now I played around a bit. Double enhanced, and a bit of photoshop. The rays from the wand came from the AI influence.