Forum: Poser Python Scripting

Subject: Python For Poser by PhilC

OberonRex opened this issue on Sep 14, 2023 ยท 20 posts

OberonRex posted Sat, 16 September 2023 at 12:01 PM Online Now!

Thanks for the tip! I'll definitely look for the document system within poserPython. And, yeah, it sounds like Phil's book wouldn't help. And you put your finger exactly and succinctly on what I am looking for too, current documentation about the poser classes, methods, etc., available in Python scripts.

It's curious though that you say that the key changes are in Python itself. I'm comfortable with either version of Python and not finding writing the Python code to be an issue at all, so the changes in Python don't show up as a problem. Actually, I think maybe I'm not exactly understanding that last sentence. Sorry.