Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Poser Has a New Base Figure!!

stallion opened this issue on Jan 29, 2019 ยท 1258 posts

JoePublic posted Sat, 22 July 2023 at 11:26 AM

Yes, it actually IS hillarious that I have to use a 20+ year old figure (V3 was released in December 2002) to demonstrate what Poser is actually capeable of.

(Everything sculpted INSIDE Poser. And, yeah, that IS a shameless copy of Rikishi. Actually one of the best independent Poser figures ever!)

(Everything rigged INSIDE Poser with only ONE set of JCM's for the armpits. Now go open LaFemme and count how many JCMs she has while she's still bending like a wet towel)

BTW, did I mention that these demo renders are already 10yrs old themselves?

So more than enough time for the owners of Poser to develop a better figure, one should think.

And yet...


Anyway, it's not just Poser vs DAZ anymore.

Now there's dozends of "Human Creator" apps out there that can easily do what Poser once could.

Only better.

Now AI can even create a photorealistic 3D human from a single photo and rigging is pretty much one click.

Poser already IS completely obsolete, relegated to a niche market.

So the LEAST it could do is provide its loyal users with a set of out of the box realistic looking human figures.

But it seems more important to protect the feelings of certain "Poser artists" than analyzing the problem and find a proper solution.


Problem is, "feelings" won't sell new copys of Poser.

Good products do.

But, hey, as long as you manage to convince yourself that people like me are just hateful, spiteful meanies, too ignorant to recognize LF's greatness, everything should be A-OK, right?

And the fact that 99% of the product moved on this website is for G8 and G9 instead of LF, surely is because of a poorly designed advertising algorithm.

And has nothing to do with the actual quality of the products offered.



Jeez, this all has become such a f*cking joke...