Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: What you know now that you did not know then?

RedPhantom opened this issue on May 01, 2023 ยท 47 posts

HartyBart posted Mon, 08 May 2023 at 6:16 AM

RandyM, somewhere I have a script in which I tried to make non-rendering all possible forms of scene/stage clutter before doing a real-time Preview render (e.g the 'purple ball at the character's feet' that can show up in certain circumstances). I can dig that out if you want, but it'll be for Poser 11. I really only need the lights toggle, so I never polished and released the script.

Rather than de-rail this thread... if you want further advice on the real-time Comic Book Preview, Sketch, and the Firefly lines-only render (and subsequent Photoshop filtering to humanise the lines in DAP or G'MIC etc), then start a new threat somewhere and I'll get on it. It's pity we don't have a 'Comic-book & Sketch' sub-forum on Renderosity. But I guess a new thread could liven up the 'Mixed Medium' forum.

Learn the Secrets of Poser 11 and Line-art Filters.