Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: What you know now that you did not know then?

RedPhantom opened this issue on May 01, 2023 ยท 47 posts

HartyBart posted Fri, 05 May 2023 at 4:44 AM

Randy, your interest in good Poser Sketch render presets might be cured by the end of the summer. I keep meaning to produce a pack of my best custom presets, for sale on Renderosity. But it also means producing a big PDF with demos, which is going to be time-consuming (each presets needs instructions on the display mode / render-size / Comic Book settings etc, that it's intended to work best with).

Preview is exactly the scene you see in the usual OpenGL Viewport, only you render it out to a file. It's also where the real-time Comic-Book filtering and line-art happens, which was introduced in Poser 11. Which reminds me of another thing that newbies need to know - there's a free script which makes all the clutter (lights etc) invisible in Preview, without actually turning them off. You then get a nice clean render for use in comics etc. Click the script again, and it toggles them back on again. It's available for P11 and P12. Having toggle scripts like this, on a 'one-click button' in the UI, is why the XA Toolbar addon is important to have.

Learn the Secrets of Poser 11 and Line-art Filters.