Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Smoothing Problem - Object Imported From Blender

bjbrown opened this issue on Mar 09, 2023 ยท 14 posts

bjbrown posted Thu, 09 March 2023 at 6:06 PM

RedPhantom posted at 1:42 PM Thu, 9 March 2023 - #4458005

My guess would be that vertices aren't welded along the edges. I can see it happening with the latch portion too. Since it sounds like you've checked that, I'd look and see if it isn't somehow becoming split in the export/import process, perhaps something to do with the seams because it is following those.

My other thing would be to try turning off the smooth polygons in Poser.

Do you mean to turn Smooth Polygons in the Render Settings checkbox?  Or on the object, or both?  I tried unchecking it in render settings.  The edges don't tear- but now they aren't rounded at all.