Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Deleting and changing mat zones?

Boni opened this issue on Mar 06, 2023 ยท 13 posts

SamTherapy posted Mon, 06 March 2023 at 4:24 PM

RedPhantom posted at 3:12 PM Mon, 6 March 2023 - #4457819

In Poser, you can't. You can use the group tool to change the mat zones for parts or all of a prop (or figure) and you can also add them there, but you can't remove or rename existing ones. You'll have to use other software for that. Most 3d modelers can do it. I don't know if UVmapper can.

To do this in a 3d modeler, export the obj (or use the original) and open it in the 3d app. Change the zones. export as an obj. Import into poser and save as a new prop.

UVMapper Pro definitely can.  You can delete any or all material zones, create new ones and (although I can't remember the steps) rename existing ones.  It's saved me some faffing about in the past with a rigged and finished figure.  If it's a simple prop, though, I usually drop it into Wings and work there.

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