Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Antonia - Opinions?

odf opened this issue on Oct 27, 2008 ยท 13933 posts

odf posted Sun, 05 March 2023 at 4:17 PM

FVerbaas posted at 4:55 AM Sun, 5 March 2023 - #4457689

By 'fly off the feet' you mean the toes come through? Toes are a maze for collisions because the diameter of the toes is so small. If you take a cross section of the toes and draw a line at 'collision depth' below the surface you get an idea of the complexity. After a simulation step a vertex can easily end up in a location where the shortest way 'out' is on the opposite side of where the vertex came from. This could be reduced by smaller time steps but the consequences for simulation speed are severe. On 'old' Antonia I used the toecap there.

Indeed conforming up to mid-shin and dynamic above would be a good solution. Socks are elastic and tensioned so they generally follow the skin without wrinkling.

I'm thinking about bringing the toe caps back as a conformer.

-- I'm not mad at you, just Westphalian.