Forum: MarketPlace Customers

Subject: Feedback on the new Marketplace format

efgnow opened this issue on Feb 13, 2023 ยท 63 posts

Torquinox posted Mon, 20 February 2023 at 7:20 AM

In other areas, Product Library (my items) is restricted to 25 items. Naturally, I would like the option to see more. Also Select by Vendor functionality for Product Library is no missing.

As others have mentioned, the promo picture slide player is atrocious. Some want arrows. We already had arrows! We definitely need arrows as a minimal navigation aid - Scrolling up and down to see select and see each picture is annoying. But really, we should be able to swipe left or right with finger or mouse to navigate through the promo pictures. That's at least a more contemporary approach to slide shows. It doesn't necessarily need a timer to flip through on auto-play - Those can be a bother - But what's the point of making a new store if it's functionally inferior to the old store? If it's too much bother, I'm sure someone there can recommend a good slideshow plugin to make it so!