Forum: MarketPlace Customers

Subject: Feedback on the new Marketplace format

efgnow opened this issue on Feb 13, 2023 ยท 63 posts

CHMedia posted Wed, 15 February 2023 at 4:30 PM

tomcatoliver posted at 11:18 AM Mon, 13 February 2023 - #4455770

I have to agree. The new way of viewing the lightbox images is much worse than before. Opening the first image in the popup window, then just clicking or tapping near the left or right edges to move back and forward through the promos was much easier than it is now. Also, the popup seems a bit pointless, since it just shows the image at pretty much the same size as you were already viewing.

I was hoping we were going to get something like on the Daz site, where the image initially fits the size of your screen, then another click shows it full size if you want to see closer detail. It has always annoyed me that portrait format promo images can't be seen in full, as they were composed - you have to scroll up and down to see two thirds of the image at a time. That's the reason why I mostly create landscape format images for my store promos.

I have posted your suggestions to our issue tracker. Thank you for your feedback.