Forum: MarketPlace Customers

Subject: Feedback on the new Marketplace format

efgnow opened this issue on Feb 13, 2023 ยท 63 posts

torqy posted Tue, 14 February 2023 at 10:48 AM

Could you please redirect the old product page URLs that were in the form ".../ViewProduct=productID" so they go to the new URLs that are in the form ".../productID/product-name"?  For example, "" used to link to what is now "" (a lovely motorcycle with handy sample pics), but now simply redirects to the Marketplace Homepage.

I, probably like other users, have saved thousands of the URLs of my purchased products in a bookmark manager, organized by product type (outfits, props, poses, etc.) as a means of helping find what products I have.  It is an important part of my workflow and purchased product "memory".  If the prior URL format remains broken, a tremendous amount of information is lost (as well as the countless hours spent loading and organizing the bookmarks).  Until someone comes up with a comprehensive Purchased Product Catalog Database/Gallery system, bookmark management is a major means of maintaining a semblance of simple product organization sanity.