Forum: DAZ|Studio

Subject: Need help and advise please!

angreif opened this issue on Aug 14, 2022 ยท 73 posts

angreif posted Mon, 05 September 2022 at 7:10 PM

I have not tried loading previous loaded stuff yet.  Old stuff still on other drive and when this problem developed I knew that was gone. Happened before with Daz 3 some years back.  I have a dozen or so characters that are new made on this system. Loading them has not been attempted yet due to lack of assets loaded. 

What I was saying before is if I load a character from content it loads true. It except morphs and modifications that are loaded FROM smart but loading something from content library does not see the morph even if another loaded character has the desired morph. Load Bob and Tom both load properly but I can not swap heads etc.