Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Adding Extra Eyes to a figure

Nephanor opened this issue on Aug 18, 2022 ยท 30 posts

NikKelly posted Fri, 19 August 2022 at 8:19 AM

Given one of those Cambrian predators has now been confirmed as having a large, dorsal third-eye, the retro-reptilian tuatara (sp?) still has a 'semi-functional' third eye under translucent scalp skin, and our pineal is thought to have evolved from similar, odd numbers of eyes would be *good*...

Crafting integrated eyes for a figure looks hard, but have you considered cutting chunks of face off an existing, smaller-eyed figure ( perhaps just scaled ?) and parenting them to target's brow ?

Sorta like a half-mask ? Or night-vision goggles ??

I'm sorry, I wanted a centre-line third-eye for a WIRS' 'Three-Eyed Flying Monkey' --With 3rd-eye's lids closing sideways-- but never found a stand-alone lidded eye that was not obviously 'handed'.