Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Orion for Poser 11

AmbientShade opened this issue on Jun 20, 2019 ยท 342 posts

primorge posted Thu, 14 July 2022 at 6:22 AM

PFE should be able to create IK chains if it's not working via Poser's hierarchy editor.

I'm hoping it will help me solve any valueOp issues I might run into as well.

Orion has a Pelvis between the hip and thighs.

IKs seem to work just fine.

You're putting a lot of faith into a file editor. You need to know the functions of the coding in the cr2 to solve a problem with PFE... Well in general, there's SOME automation, It doesn't magically do it for you, but yes it makes it easier to do something if you know the route. It's  similar to your "I have a Calculator response". If you don't know what to enter the calculator can't do it's job.

This is similar to one of your responses on the technical forum stating that you approached a problem with a tool called Binary Morph Editor, or pmd edit, by Ralf Sesseler (Dimension3D) also creator of PFE, when in fact the problem could not be addressed by the tool... similar to trying to use a blender as a microwave.

Setting up an IK chain is dead easy, drag and drop, as long as the involved actors will behave with said IK chain as expected. If for instance you introduce more bones there's more bends that will be effected by IK. And this might be something that can't be so easily be remedied via limits or constraints. My point. Typical Poser leg articulation is 3 points, thigh, shin, and foot... introduce an additional bone into the thigh and shin (say a bone purely for a twist) and you'll see what I mean.

"Orion has a Pelvis between the hip and thighs. IKs seem to work just fine."

That's because the root of the IK chain is the thigh, not the hip (pelvis in this case)... the hip or pelvis is moot.

Not trying to be a smart ass here, just pointing out the strangeness of your response.