Forum: Poser Technical

Subject: Creating weight maps

odf opened this issue on Apr 01, 2022 ยท 12 posts

JoePublic posted Sun, 10 April 2022 at 3:25 PM

"It's beautiful and terrible."

That's a very apt description. Lol.

But honestly, since I've gotten PP-2014, I have never wished for a different set of tools rather than the Morphbrush.

I once used Z-Brush (When the UI still made sense), even paid big $$$ for the Studio rigging tools, but I think nothing can beat the direct 1:1 feedback for Poser rigging that the Morphbrush provides. And I'm just using a Laptop with a lowly Logitech cable mouse, not even a stylus or some fancy 3D mouse or so.

Especially if you create correction morphs for texture distortion.

But in the end, you can only do so much with weightmapping, as it only works in 2 directions.

For complicated joints, especially when the mesh is very detailed, you simply need to add a JCM to achieve the correct deformation.