Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: V4/M4 products now?

primorge opened this issue on Jul 19, 2021 ยท 204 posts

JoePublic posted Mon, 21 March 2022 at 4:19 AM

BTW: An easy way to put Aiko on a "Polygon-Diet" would be to use 3D Universes Toon Aiko instead:

The lower res toon head brings her down to 44966 polys as opposed to Aiko's original 75230!

(I probably could save another 10K or so by swapping the body with the V3 LoRes mesh, but then I'd have to convert the body textures.)

Anyway, original Aiko is rigged a lot better than V3 or even Steph Petite, so weightmapping will give no drastic improvement in everyday poses.

But when it comes to "action" poses, the weightmapping really starts to shine:
