Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: imstalled DSON for Poser in Poser, but I can't find it

byheart opened this issue on Jan 01, 2022 ยท 36 posts

byheart posted Tue, 04 January 2022 at 12:17 PM

OK will re-check after I reboot . . .I'm embarrased to say, I found DSON in Program files in Poser 2012 which I thought was uninstalled when I installed Pser 11 . . . so windows was sendingit to smith Micro/poser2012 instead of poser 11 . . . so I uninstlled it and uninstalled poser 2012, deleted the folder and then Poser 11 wouldn't load!  Gripes!  So installed Poser 11 over the existing poser 11 to make sure I didn't loose my settings.  Crossing fingers as I reboot . . . if she loadsI will try to redo the 0bj . . .

when I first loaded the obj, I couldn't find it because it was so big, so went to material room and the whole window turned purple;  so I knew it was too big . ..  think I used scale and kept reduxing it down by 25 and finally reduced it to 1%    back in a while;  had a desktop fail , so working on it too.