Forum: Character Creators

Subject: Nova_Project

primorge opened this issue on Dec 11, 2021 ยท 123 posts

primorge posted Sun, 02 January 2022 at 5:49 PM

A bit of a modest offering this week as I've come down with the flu and haven't had much energy to devote to Posering...

In this instance it's a fix for Nova's eyelashes weightmaps...

As you can see here there are some issues with the weights in the upper lids when the eyes are closed

After smoothing with weight brush here's the modified result

Also the lashes become quite crumpled when fully closed as shown here

Again, after smoothing the weights

Nova Lashes Fixed

My next offering, when I feel a bit better, will be some eye scaling and translation morphs for Nova. Utilizing 'include morphs' and 'follow origins' when conforming the lashes will cause the lashes to follow suit. I already have some working injections for Nova and her lashes. I'll probably have it wrapped and uploaded next weekend sometime depending on if I feel like doing any fancy renders, etc.

A quick preview of an eye scale dial...