Forum: Poser 11 / Poser Pro 11 OFFICIAL Technical

Subject: List of Injection possibilities... or impossibilities.

primorge opened this issue on Oct 12, 2021 · 5 posts

primorge posted Fri, 15 October 2021 at 9:45 PM

So I figured out how to get a body pose controller (MCJ) to be injectable. I had suspected it was a similar process to creating head actor controllers and JCMs...

Perhaps someone might find this information useful

Here's the simple process for a thigh bend forward pose controller in La Femme... Same process for any figure though. Note also that this method gives consistently predictable injection results for head actor controllers (eyes, mouth parts, etc). I've found that simply creating a new master parameter as a controller often doesn't copy properly to inject. It seems you need to fool Poser into carrying these kind of dependencies via pmd inject by creating a dummy morph as the master, using create new master often results in injections that have dead dials upon injection.

• Load your figure and make sure IK is off and it is entirely zeroed out.

• Go to Figure Menu and select Spawn Fully Body Morph. Because the figure is completely zero this will create an empty local morph dial in all actors of the figure and a master in the body, including an empty dial in any parented props! Take note of this fact. If possible it's best to create injectable controllers using a dev version of your figure, this will minimize any unforeseen complications.

We want just the Body Master here so click the white triangle to the right of the Body Master Parameter and select delete morph. In the selection dialogue that follows untick only the dial in the Body. This will delete all of those unwanted local dials and leave you with just the Body Master. There will also be 2 useless dials in the GoalCenterOfMass and CenterOfMass props. You can delete these via the hierarchy editor or within those relevant parameters as usual, or you can simply leave the dials until you're ready to export your injection pose.

• Now to set up the dependencies. Click the little white triangle to the right of your remaining Body master dial. Select Edit Dependencies. This will bring up the Dependency Editor, you'll want to be in the keyed tab.

Click start teaching.

In the Body Master Parameter click on the numeric field and type in 1. Do not hit enter, simply click away from the field on the palette to finalize your entry.

Select the Right Thigh and in the Bend Parameter numeric field type in -90. Click away to enter as above

Select the Left Thigh and repeat exactly as you did with the Right Thigh, -90.

Return to the Body Master Parameter and type in 0, exactly as above.

Select the Right Thigh and type in 0

Left Thigh type in 0

In the Dependency Editor you should have a keyed red 45 degree angled, or thereabouts, line showing. This represents the interpolation.

Click Stop Teaching.

Your Dependency is now set up. You can of course be much much more complex with your dependencies... for instance the dependency set up here only bends the legs forward (-90°) at a Master Dial Value of 1. If you wanted to bend the thighs backwards (90°) via a dial value of -1 be certain to record your 0 key when setting up the dependency. At least that's how I generally do it.

You should next set up limits in your master dial, otherwise your dial will continue spinning past the set up value of 1 to no effect. Double click the Master Dial and set Max Limit 1, Min Limit 0. You also might want to change the Dial Sensitivity to something more snappy like the standard 0.02 value.

Also note that split morph won't work for pose controllers. You'll have to set up individual dial dependencies and universal dial controllers if desired.

Go to File: Export: Morph Injection. In the dialogue select only the Body dial controller you've just created, if you didn't delete the extraneous remaining empty dials in GoalCenterOfMass and CenterOfMass or there are other morph dials present. Save to your Pose Library of choice. It's also a good Idea to edit the file paths so that they are relative rather than absolute if you plan on distributing the Injection. The .pmd and .pz2 should remain together.

Proof of concept example injection...