Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Firefly vs. Superfly?

Boni opened this issue on Sep 02, 2021 ยท 142 posts

Afrodite-Ohki posted Mon, 06 September 2021 at 9:48 AM

As promised, my wip Iolanda and her skin shader, lighted with only an HDRI:


And without HDRI, with one of my Level Up Superfly lights:


Edit: you'll notice that her skin maps aren't all done yet. Roughness and normal maps help make it look real. PhysSurface root IS made for PBR textures.

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Feel free to call me Ohki!

Poser Pro 11, Poser 12 and Poser 13, Windows 10, Superfly junkie. My units are milimeters.

Persephone (the computer): AMD Ryzen 9 5900x, RTX 3070 GPU, 96gb ram.