Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: V4/M4 products now?

primorge opened this issue on Jul 19, 2021 ยท 204 posts

primorge posted Wed, 21 July 2021 at 9:48 PM

Scratch that Regan comment, I think I vaguely remember something similar st RDNA. I just had a look at Kids 4. Surprised how expensive some of that older stuff still is. I didn't realize that K4 was a single figure with gender head morphs, I'm assuming it's the same mesh as M4/V4... maybe a different mapping though. I wouldn't mind having the k4 mesh in my runtimes for completionists sake. Might be useful for wee folk renders and such. I don't think I've ever seen Daz give away a K4 bundle like they have with V4/M4 though...