Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Morph Test Request

primorge opened this issue on Jul 11, 2021 ยท 29 posts

primorge posted Sun, 11 July 2021 at 6:53 PM

In the past I've set up such an injection for someone who was having problems with saving injections and insisted that match centers command does not propegate to inject. So I created the injection and tested it and it worked for me. I sent the person the injection file and never heard back. I messaged them and they gave me a vague response that it didn't work. Naturally I was confused as I was sitting there with working, tested files that behaved normally.

Later on I heard a couple of other people mention that match centers doesn't copy to inject. Mind you this is from Poser tech people. My curiosity increased because I have multiple files that do in fact work.

Anyway, before I include this morph and others like it in a distribution I want to confirm that someone else using the inject gets the same results as I'm showing. The testing requires Antonia 1_2_0 in front camera mode, mesh set as outline, and display origin toggles for one of the eyes. Inject the morph, dial to 1, and observe if the eyes origins follow the morph by remaining at the center of the eyeball.

My gratitude to whomever performs this test and gives me feedback.
