Forum: MarketPlace Showcase

Subject: IK Manager Python Script for Poser 12

Ken1171_Designs opened this issue on Mar 07, 2021 ยท 9 posts

Ken1171_Designs posted Wed, 28 April 2021 at 5:45 PM

There were some kinks in the way for this script. Different figures use different names for their IK chains, where people who have created these figures don't follow the same naming conventions (or ANY conventions LOL). In update 1.2.1, now available on the store, I have patched the code to try lots of different random names people have used to name the IK chains in different figures. This includes support for IK names in all languages supported by Poser - English, German and Japanese, so v1.2.1 should now support many more figures. :)

Please remove the previous version before updating to avoid version conflicts. You should have received a notification from Renderosity about the update, where I provide instructions of how to proceed with the update. If you have just purchase IK Manager P12, you should already be up-to-date, so it's good to go as it is! ^___^