Forum: Poser 12

Subject: Free version of Poser a benefit to vendors?

davo opened this issue on Apr 21, 2021 ยท 98 posts

Summoner-Creations posted Wed, 28 April 2021 at 1:34 PM

Ok ... it is not a pretty Poser figure, but it is bad ass, offering something else then the usual pretty dolls that are released in masses. Another big advantage that Poser has to offer. Well customers are missing a byt but that might change with time, Important is just to release stuff that Ds has not to offer, making them say " I wish it was for DS "

And Bondware should really start working a little on there marketing system ! Not just building up the Rendo Store into Poser as if there are no new models in the Store it would be a big waist of energy.