Forum: Poser 12

Subject: Free version of Poser a benefit to vendors?

davo opened this issue on Apr 21, 2021 ยท 98 posts

Summoner-Creations posted Wed, 28 April 2021 at 1:20 PM

The big advantage of Poser is that it has the option having a large amount of standalone figures that are fairly easy to create with outstanding results. People are fixed at Clones or morphs like in DS, causing that standalone models get very rare, ok poser does not have many creators at the moment, but what you can do in a few days in poser would take you weeks if not month in Daz studio. It probably would not even be possible atm!

This is a model that I am about to release containing over 220 bones ( Articulations ) including facial articulations. A Render needs more then just a Pretty doll, Daz studio might be great as there allot of creators on it but tell me how many pages do you have to scroll to find a Standalone figure with it's own articulation system not based on a Genesis? Poser has the option due the built in engine to make it possible just the Creators forgotten about it as they fallow the costumers and these naturally picked the Free choice of DS.

Asteraoth 06.jpg

Asteraoth 08.jpg

If Rendo would just make a small smart step and listen a little what people have to say then Poser might have a good chance again. You can't teach on how to do it if there are no students that want to learn.