Forum: Poser 12

Subject: Free version of Poser a benefit to vendors?

davo opened this issue on Apr 21, 2021 ยท 98 posts

Summoner-Creations posted Tue, 27 April 2021 at 3:17 PM

Time will tell what position Poser will have in the future.

I can only contribute with the advanced models that I create awake a little the interest to customers, what potential Poser is actually having. Like you say it has nothing other programs do not have, but it has a wide range of hidden integration because most part of poser is build up using open source features. So the range of possibilities is not limited. Poser woks on the same principal like Blender with pyton integration giving a extreme wide range of possibilities.

If the owners act stupid and limit there flexibility then it might just end up as history. Right now they do not seem to have eaten Intelligence with a teaspoon. In one way it might be just ok the way it goes right now, the more people lose interest the more the Possibilities that it will be free and that the Call home will be removed.

Meanwhile I just continue to expand the Bridges and the rigging development for Poser to a extreme level :) and this can not be beaten by DS atm.

@ wolf359

I do like the work you are doing in your creations and Clips, they are amazing. Showing a great level of know how ....