Forum: MarketPlace Showcase

Subject: IK Manager Python Script for Poser 12

Ken1171_Designs opened this issue on Mar 07, 2021 ยท 9 posts

Ken1171_Designs posted Mon, 08 March 2021 at 6:25 PM

Miss B posted at 6:19PM Mon, 08 March 2021 - #4414574

I've never felt I had a need to use IK for any of my human characters in Poser, but there's an exercise in a lesson in a Blender class I'm taking that uses IK, but on a portion of an "object" rather than a character's hands or feet, so will definitely be interesting to see.

IK can make some parts of figure posing easier, like sitting poses, putting a foot over an object, or making a hand reach for something. In another case, female poses often require a hip tilt, and for that we will need IK to keep the feet on the ground. We may also want a hand to stay at a specific place while we move the torso, and that's a call for IK. It has its uses, but I guess the bottom line is that Poser makes it hard to manage IK states by having to hunt for it in menus, we can only do 1 change at a time, and there is no way to see the IK states on the limbs by just looking at the viewport. This tools aims to ease all that. ^__^

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